我们只有一个地球! We only have ONE earth!

在这一个污染、生态环境受到破坏、地球暖化的世代里,有太多的叹息声在感叹在埋怨天不再蓝,水不再清澈,空气不再清新... 在这些声音的背后,你听到了地球的呼救声吗?爱护地球的人们都在努力再使用、再循环、减少化学品的使用以及节省资源等方式来达到绿化地球,减低碳脚印,保留剩余的自然...
美国内政部长 Dirk Kempthorne 所说:地球并不是我们从先人手中得到的,而应该说是从后人手中借来的。(We do not inherit the earth from our parents; we borrow it from our children.)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Created by Nature 从大自然而来

New Zealand has an abundant source of natural ingredients and essential plant extracts. J1. 11 WHITE has utilized these pure plant extracts to develop a skin whitening range that brightens and protects the skin. naturally.


Bearberry and Licorice extracts have been specifically selected to reduce the effects of sun damage, pigmentation and discolouration, while Vitamin E and meadowfoam have potent anti aging and anti oxidant properties.


All the ingredients used in the J1.11 White range have been hand selected and are of the highest quality. J1.11 has a commitment to bring you eco friendly skin care products and includes a variety of organic ingredients within the J1.11 WHITE range.


The J1.11 WHITE range is a simple and effective system to hydrate, rebalance and repair your skin and the natural solution to achieve a brighter, healthier complexion.


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